Stratus Technologies Interview Questions


1)What is a Segmentation fault? Explain with example?

2)What is Memory Leak? Explain with example?

3)What is the use of Structure Padding?

4)Difference between Structure and Union?

5)Tell me a logic for removing duplicates from a given string in fewer iterations?

6)Write a Program to reverse the bits of a given number?

7)Difference between Little Endian and Big Endian?

8)What is meant by Volatile with a detailed explanation means were to use and why?

9)What is the use of static variables?

10)Conversions From Decimal to Hexa Decimal and  Hexa Decimal to Binary?

11)What is the Use of Left Shift and Right Shift Operators?

12)What are Pre Processor and Use of it?

13)How to access a structure member without using. (or)  --> operator?

14)How to find a word in a file?

15)How to check the stack is down growing (or) up growing? 

16)Write a Program for division by 8 using bitwise?

17)Write a Program for Multiplication by 16 using bitwise?


1)Explain OOPS Concepts in Detail with example?

2)What is a Singleton Class?

3)What is Virtual Function?

4)What is meant by pure virtual function?

5)Explain about templates?

6)What is Operator Overloading and Syntax for Increment and Decrement?

7)Explain the benefits of Inline Function?

8)What is Mutable?

9)Difference between Private and Protected access specifiers?

10)Explain about a static member in class?

11)What is Diamond Inheritance?

12)What is meant by Namespace?

13)What is an Abstract Class?

14)What is a Singleton Class?

15)Difference between Structure and class?

Linux, Operating System

1)Difference between Semaphore and Mutex and Where it is Used?

2)Explain fork( ) System call in detail?

3)Difference between PIPE and FIFO?

4)What is IPC Mechanism and Explain in detail?

5)Explain SIGINT  Signal?

6)When You press CTRL+Z  which signal will come?

7)How to hang a process?

8)What is the command used for displaying a list of processes?

9) Difference between Nice and Re Nice?

10)What is Major number and Minor Number in Linux?

11)Difference between Time-Sharing and Event Sharing?

12)What is Swap Space?

13)What is meant by System call and Explain execve()?

14)What is Kernel?

15)What is the Operating System?

16)Explain about Virtual Memory?

17)What are Threading and Multi-Threading?

18)Difference between Physical Memory and Virtual Memory ?

19)What is Dead Lock?

20)How to Prevent Dead Lock and Give an Example of Dead Lock?

21)What is Page and Page's fault? After Page Fault What will Happen?

22)What is meant by TOP Command in Linux?

23)What is Memory Management?

24)Difference between Process and Thread?

25)What are the Disadvantages of a PIPE ?

26)How to kill a Process?

27)What is meant by Overlay?

Data Structure

1)About Linked List, Binary Search Tree?

2)Write a Program to segregate even and odd nodes in a Linked List?

3)For converting infix to postfix which method will use?

4)About Tree and Graph in Data Structure?

5)The logic for how to delete a node in a Single Linked List?

6)The logic for Binary  Search Tree?

7)Which Data Structure is used for 10 records and 100 records and why?

8)What is the Time Complexity of BST ?


 1)What are the layers of the OSI Model?

2)What is an IP Address?

3)Difference between Transport Layer and Network Layer?

4)What is Subnet Mask?


1)Which tools are used for debugging?

2)What are the steps in GDB?

3)The truth table for XOR?