HCL Interview Questions
1)What is an array ?
2)Difference between structure and Union ?
3)What is Volatile ?
4)Explain about storage classes ?
5)What is meant by Memory Leak ?
6)How to allocate memory in runtime ?
7)Difference between malloc() and calloc()?
8)Write a logic to count and display each and every letter occurence in a given string ?
9)What is Pointer ?
10)Explain about Compilation Stages in a C Program ?
11)Difference between Compiler and Interpreter?
12)Difference between C,CPP and Python?
13)Explain about Dynamic Memory Allocation ?
14)Difference between array and Linked List ?
15)Difference between C and Embedded C ?
16)Write a program for Employee Details using Structure in C ?
17)How will you allocate memory for structure member which is pointer type ?
18)What is Self Referential Structure in C?
19)How will you access the member of nested structure?
20)What is nested structure and syntax of nested structure?
21)Difference between Static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation?
22)Advantages & Disadvantages of Pointers ?
23)Swapping of two numbers(How many possible ways do you know )
24)Write a program to separate prime number and non prime number from the given array?
1)What is meant by Virtual Function?
2)Explain about STL ?
3)Real Time Examples of OOPS ?
4)What is Polymorphism ?
5)What is Function Overloading ?
6)What is Class and Object?
7)What is the use of new Operator in c++?
8)Difference between new and malloc()?
9)Is it Possible to use malloc() in CPP?
10)Write a Program for Employee Details using class in CPP?
11)What is Friend Function?
Data Structure
1)What is Data Structure ?
2)What are the types of Data Structure?
3)What is Linked List ?
4)What is Graph?
5)What is Binary search tree explain with real time example?
1)What is Tuple?
1)What is IPC ?
2)Difference between semaphore and mutex?
3)What is process ?
4)Are binary semaphores and mutex are same (or) different?
1)What are the features of 8051 ?
2)Difference between Timer and Counter ?
3)Explain about I2C and SPI ?
4)What is Clock Stretching ?
5)What is size of 8051 Microcontroller?
6)What is size of LPC2148?
7)What are the extra datatypes in Embedded C ?
8)What is meant by Protocol ?
9)Explain about UART & CAN ?
10)What are the features of Raspberry Pi?
1)What is IOT ?