Data Patterns Interview Questions

Online Exam

1)Write a program that converts an input integer number from decimal to binary form
     using a recursive function and prints the binary value?

2)Write a program that reads the content of a file and prints the number of occurrences 
    of a given word in that file?

3)Write a function for the preorder and post order of a Binary Search Tree and print
     the preorder and postorder of Binary search tree?

4)Write a function for a call by reference and it invokes to function pointer?

5)Write a program to count no of one's and zeros in number?

6)Write a program for a single linked list using dynamic memory allocation and 
     take the data for a particular position?


1)What is PreProcessor?

2)What is a function?

3)What is a Token?

4)Explain Function Call,Function Declaration,Function Definition?

5)What is a header file?

6)What are the parameters in the header file?

7)Is Header File needed for  Program?

8)How to compile a C Program?

9)What is executable File?

10)Where Executable file is stored?

11)What are the compilation stages of a c program?

12)What are storage classes?

13)Explain the memory layout of a c program?


1)What are the features of C++?

2)What is Polymorphism and its types?