Sasken Interview Questions

1)Write a program for String Concatenation?

2)Write a program for the power of 2 (or) not?

3)Explain the memory layout of a c program?

4)What is meant by stack frames?

5)Explain the Life of Variables in a program?

6)Where is the memory allocated to formal arguments?

7)What is Segmentation Fault?

8)Explain Pre Processor Stages?

9)Difference between C and Assembly?

10)What is Dangling Pointer?

11)Write a program to print the status of a particular bit in a number?

12)What is Function Pointer?

13)Write a program that creates an array in function and returns that to the main?

14)How will you allocate a Memory Dynamically?

15)What is memcpy( )  and explain the syntax?

16)Where Function Pointers are Used?

17)Write the declaration for a function pointer that takes char pointer as 
     argument and returns integer array of pointers ?

18)Difference between Little Endian and Big Endian ?

19)Write a Program to find even (or) odd numbers using a bit-wise Operator?

20)What printf returns and Why we use & operator in Scanf?

21)What is the Application of Union?

22)What is meant by Volatile in C?

23)Write a program to find out the missing elements in the array ?

24)Write a program to check an expression is well-formed expression (or) not?


1)What is Function Overloading?

2)What is Function Overriding?

3)What is Template ?

4)What is Virtual Destructor?

5)Difference between C and C++?

Data Structures 

1)How to create and search a tree?

2)How to find no nodes in a tree?

3)Difference between Stack and Queue?

4)Write a Program to swap the data in a Linked List?

5)Write a program to delete a node without using a head pointer?

6)What is Data Structure?

7)What is Linked List?

8)What is Sorting and Searching?

9)What are the types of Sorting?

10)Write a program for bubble sort?

11)Write a program for Binary Search Tree?

12)Which is the best Searching and Sorting Algorithm?

13)Difference between Array and Linked List?

14)What are the Types of Data Structures?

15)Write a Program to add a node in the middle in a single linked list?

16)What is meant by Traversing?

17)Write a Program for deleting an element in a Binary Search Tree?

18)Difference between Linked List and Structure?


1)What is Process?

2)How to create a Process?

3)What is Mutex?

4)What is Thread?

5)What is Semaphore ?

6)What are the major fields in PCB?

7)What is Race Around Condition?

8)Name Some IPC Mechanisms?

9)What is Shared Memory?

10)What is Inter-Process Communication?

11)Difference between Mutex and Semaphore?

12)Difference between Process and Thread?

13)What is the Critical Section of code?

14)What is the Significant of Virtual Memory?

Operating System 

1)What is Processor?

2)What are the components of a processor?

3)What are the Scheduling Algorithms?

4)What is Time Slice?

5)How the OS comes to know Time Slice is Over?

6)What is a Dead Lock?

7)What is Paging and Explain it?

8)What is Meant by Fragmentation?

9)What are the Types of Fragmentation?

10)How to avoid Fragmentation?

11)How to avoid paging?

12)How to Avoid Deadlock?

Embedded Systems 

1)Difference between Component and Interface?

2)What is C A N  Protocol?

3)What is Timer?

4)What is Interrupt?

5)What happens to ISR when Interrupt occurs?

6)Difference between C and Embedded C?


1)Difference between TCP and UDP?

2)What is Connection-Oriented and Connectionless Mechanism?