Matrix Interview Questions 


1)What is Structure?

2)Explain Structure Padding?

3)Difference between Structure and Union?

4)Write a Program  for sum of two numbers without using addition operator?

5)Write a Program  in C to print 1 to 100 without using loop?

6)Write a Program to find the count of trailing zeros in a number?

7)Write a Program to merge two sorted unsigned integer arrays into a third unsigned
    integer array in such a way that third array is also sorted.

Note:Do not sort the third array after merging it.Consider all arrays are sorted in
         ascending order.

8)Explain about static keyword and usage of it ?

9)Difference between static and dynamic memory ?

10)Explain stages of Compilation ?

11)How many ways we can declare constant ?

12)Explain volatile concept with example ?

13)Explain function pointer ?


1)What is meant by multiple inheritance?

2)Difference between C and C++ ?

3)What is Encapsulation,Data Abstraction, Polymorphism and Inheritance and Explain
      with two real time examples ?

4)What is class ?

5)What is Object ?

6)About Function Overloading and Function Overriding ?

7)What is Virtual Function ?

8)What is Pure Virtual Function ?

9)About Friend Function,Constructor and Destructor ?

10)Explain Exception Handling ?

11)About Template and STL ?

12)What is Abstract class explain with real time example ?

13)What are access specifiers and their use ?

14)What is usage of Copy Constructor ?

15)Difference between C++ class and C++ structure ?

16)How will you call Pure Virtual Function ?

17)Can we write multiple default catch block ?

18)What is concrete class how will it work ?

19)can we define  a constant using macro ?

27)What is binding and types of binding ?

28)Can we use inheritance in c++ structure ?

29)Can we use constructor  in c++ structure ?

30)Can we use polymorphism in c++ structure ?

31)Advantages of Templates ?

32)Drawbacks of Multiple Inheritance ?

33)Friend Function real time example ?

34)What is the use of scope resolution operator ?

35)How we can access private data member of class without instance of class ?

36)What is static function? Tell me use of it in real time ?

37)Which Operators can't be overloaded and why ?

38)What is NameSpace and How can we access it ?

39)How the memory will be allocated to class ?

40)What is this pointer ?

41)Is static function having this pointer (or) not ?

42)Difference between constructor and destructor ?

43)About vector,Map in STL?

44)How can you achieve polymorphism ?Give real time example ?

45)Difference between C structure and C++ structure ?

Data Structure

1)How many ways can you delete a node in Single Linked List ? Explain it ?

2)What are sorting methods which one is better and explain why ?

3)What is stack in how many ways can you implement it ?

Embedded Systems

1)About SPI protocol?

2)Explain MOSI,MISO pins?

3)Explain I2C Communication?

4)What is Purpose of  Program Counter in a Micro Controller?

5)What is UART?Can we use it Full Duplex ?

6)How the RFID and Temperature Sensor working ?Explain?

7)Tell me the data conversion in ADC in detail ?


1)What is kernel and types of kernels?

2)Which Kernel do you used ?

3)What is thread and use of thread ?

4)Drawbacks of thread ?

5)What is semaphore and real time application of semaphore ?

6)Difference between semaphore and Mutex ?

7)What is Dead Lock ?

8)Real Time use of deadlock ?

9)How to avoid Deadlock ?

10)What do you know about IPC ?

11)Explain Memory Management concept ?

12)Can we use semaphore in threading concept give example ?

13)What are the drawbacks of threading ?

14)About signal and sigaction ?

15)Benefits of sigaction over signal ?

16)Difference between process and thread ?


1)What are the Layers of OSI model ?

2)Difference between TCP and UDP ?

3)What is Socket Programming ?

4)What is Server and Client ?

5)Which one is better TCP (or) UDP ?

6)Real Time example of TCP and UDP ?

7)Use of header in TCP ?

8)Header size of TCP and UDP ?

9)What is 3 way handshaking uses and steps ?

10)What is 4 way handshaking uses and steps ?

11)How will you send packets from one process to another process ?

12)What is subnet mask?Explain with example ?

13)Difference between MAC and IP address ?


1)Difference between RTOS and General Purpose OS ?