MicroSemi Interview Questions


1)Write a Program to check the number is Armstrong (or) not ?

2)Write a  Program to check the strings is Anagram (or) not ?

3)Write a Program to check the number is Prime (or) not ?

4)Write a Program to print maximum occurrences of character in a string ?

5)Write a Program to arrange all zeros one side  and all ones one side  in a given array


1)What is Virtual Function ?

2)Can u Delete in this pointer ?

3)Can u use printf,scanf in C++ ?

4)What is Operator Overloading ?

5)Write the Syntax  for post increment and pre decrement  in Operator Overloading ?

6)Write a Program to add two data members of different classes using friend function ?

Data Structure

1)Write a Program to delete a node in a Linked List?


1)What is Thread ?

2)Difference between Process and Thread ?