Sandisk Interview Questions


1)What are the data types in C?

2)What is Structure Padding? How to avoid it?

3)Difference between Structure and Union?

4)Explain Storage Class Specifiers?

5)Explain about strtok() and strcat()  functions ?

6)Explain the Memory Layout of a  C Program?

7)Difference between Array and LinkedList?

8)What is Pre-Processor Stage and What happens in that Stage?

9)What is a Pointer to a Pointer? Explain it with an example?

10)What is Pointer to a function? Explain it with an example?

11)Difference between a Variable and a Constant?

12)What are Command Line Arguments? Explain argc and argv in detail?


1)What is Slicing?

2)String Rearranging without using an extra list?

3)How to insert an excel file in python?

4)What is the Primary Model in Python?


1)Difference between Thread and Process?

2)What is IPC Mechanism?

3)What are the Different Types of Threads?

4)What is the Critical Section of Code?

5)What is DeadLock?How to avoid DeadLock?

6)Which Memory is Closed to CPU? What type of data present in it?

7)Name Some Commands in Linux?

8)Difference between Soft Link and Hard Link?

Data Structure

1)Difference between Stack and Queue?

2)How to Implement Queue with Stack?

3)Which is the best sorting algorithm?

4)What is Time Complexity?

Embedded C

1)    Difference between Micro-Controller and Micro Processor with Architectures?

2)What are the different types of Memory?

3)How to set a clock (or) Timer for some seconds?


1)Where do we use transformers in real-time and what are the types of Transformers?

2)Explain different types of Transistors and their applications based on modes and Cutoff Voltages?

3)How does a sine wave look like and where does it starts?


1)What is the basic architecture of a Computer System?

2)Explain the flow of Computers Memory I/O?